What You Should Know About Being Contempt Of Court With A Bail Bond

The phrase "contempt of court" is used often in both criminal and civil cases, and it is something you could end up facing if you do not follow through with everything you must do when out on bail. If you are out on bail, you should understand what contempt of court is and how to avoid it if you want to avoid further legal troubles.

The definition of contempt of court

Contempt of court in a criminal case is usually something that refers to a defendant's act of being rude, defiant, or disrespectful to the court in any way. This can occur if a defendant shows up to court impaired in any way, or if they say something rude to the judge. It can also occur if the defendant shows up late to court or does not show up at all.

In any case, a person found to be in contempt of court will face additional legal problems for this action. Courts do not tolerate these types of acts whatsoever, and a person facing any type of criminal charge should do everything possible to avoid committing this act. While contempt of court is not an actual charge of its own in most cases, it is something that will result in consequences.

How this happens when out on bail

When you get out of jail through bail, it means that you are agreeing to follow through with everything the court requires of you. Failure to do so could result in the judge ruling that you are in contempt of court. The most common reason this happens for a person who is out on bail is failure to appear to a court date. Another common reason this could happen is if you are charged with another crime while out on bail. There are additional reasons that this can also occur.

The potential consequences for contempt of court when out on bail

If the judge in your case rules that you are in contempt of court for any reason, you should expect to return to jail right away. And, you should expect there to be no bail allowed during this time. You would have to remain there until your case is settled and you have completed your jail sentence.

If you are about to get out of jail on bail or already are out on bail, you must understand how contempt of court works. If you need help with your bail or have questions about this subject, talk to a bail bonds agent.

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